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Life around the HalifaxCentral area...
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Typing can be difficult...
...when you've got a Big Orange Monster on your lap.
Sunset spectacular
Nature's own light show...
The Chase!
Miss Kitty brought a small bunny rabbit home for dinner(literally). She dropped Mr. Rabbit on the back porch, but Mr. Rabbit was not deceased. Mr. Rabbit took off running with Miss Kitty hot in pursuit...
Birdie in the tree...
Who's thinking about a snack here?
10 points for Mouthy...
Swat the kitty! Swat the kitty!
That bag has "Burger King" on it...
Mouthy can read as good as she can...
You've got food. (Part 2)
The bag said Burger King. I think she can read...
Somebody looks like they need a hug...
Friday, May 19, 2006
Kissy Kissy!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I'm gonna get you, sucka!
He tried. He failed. He got a scratched-up ear. Miss Kitty can take care of herself...
Sunbathing kitty...
I'm not going to tell him that cats don't get a tan...
Blue + White + Green =
Nature has a way of putting colors together...
Monday, May 15, 2006
Stick that landing!
And the judges say...
Who needs expensive kitty toys?
A blade of grass is enough to make Mouthy play...
Here comes another camera flash...
...but if I pose good, I always get a kitty treat!
Nature has a way of just making you say "Wow" at times...
Beautiful, eh?
Drew's flipping out!
This perfectly timed photo caught Drew in the middle of a somersault into the foampit...
The view from above...
I'm up here. What are you doing down there?
Where's Drew?
Well, it's a little easier than those "Where's Waldo" books...
There's no better way to end your night at gymnastics than to jump into the foam block pit.
The feline version of a dinner date...
They were hollering for food so much, I just plopped the can of food down on the railing...
Saturday, May 06, 2006
On a clear day...
Or even on a day with a few clouds, you can still see almost forever... (Southwest view)
Finding a nice quiet place to sleep... pretty easy when you're a big, spoiled, orange cat named Mouthy.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Try and figure this one out...
How did Drew get himself into this position? Jeez...
It's not just animal photos here, folks!
Late afternoon, looking to the south.
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Blog Archive
Typing can be difficult...
Sunset spectacular
The Chase!
Birdie in the tree...
That bag has "Burger King" on it...
You've got food. (Part 2)
Somebody looks like they need a hug...
I'm gonna get you, sucka!
Sunbathing kitty...
Blue + White + Green =
Stick that landing!
Who needs expensive kitty toys?
Here comes another camera flash...
Nature has a way of just making you say "Wow" at t...
Drew's flipping out!
The view from above...
Where's Drew?
The feline version of a dinner date...
On a clear day...
Finding a nice quiet place to sleep...
Try and figure this one out...
It's not just animal photos here, folks!
Look at the nap place I found!
There's a birdie in the tree!
You've got food. I know it.
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's Blog
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